We have learning and enrichment resources for each subject on the relevant subject page, many of which can be used from home - please click on the links below.

These lists are to help you to develop your academic interests, choose the right course for you, and make a strong Cambridge application. Please do not feel constrained by them, however - if you have found material that is helping you to understand an aspect of your subject beyond the curriculum, there is no problem if it is not on a list.

If you find any broken links in the resource suggestions, do please let us know as sometimes external websites change their links. We aim to update links if we are aware.

Resources organised by Cambridge course

CourseOverlap with interests
Anglo-Saxon, Norse and CelticHistory, Literature, Languages
ArchaeologyClassics, Geography, History, Social Sciences
ArchitectureArt, Design, Sociology, Maths
Asian & Middle Eastern StudiesLanguages, Literature, History, Politics
ClassicsLiterature, History, Philosophy, Art
Computer ScienceMaths, Physics
DesignArchitecture, Engineering
EconomicsMaths, Social Sciences, History
EducationEnglish, Psychology, Sociology
EngineeringMaths, Physics
GeographyEnvironment, Sociology
HistoryEconomics, Sociology, Politics
History & Modern LanguagesCulture, Film, Literature
History & PoliticsInternational Studies
History of ArtArchitecture
Human, Social & Political SciencesSociology, Politics, International Relations, Social Anthropology
Land EconomyGeography, Law, Environment, Economics
LawHistory, Sociology
LinguisticsLanguages, Psychology
MedicineBiology, Chemistry
Modern & Medieval LanguagesLiterature, Culture, Film, History, Sociology, Art, Philosophy
Natural SciencesBiology, Chemistry, Physics
PhilosophyMaths, History
Psychological & Behavioural SciencesBiology
Theology, Religion & Philosophy of ReligionPhilosophy, Literature




Squirrel in the Fellows' Garden

Further suggestions

  • MOOCS (Massive Open Online Courses): , ,
  • Online subject magazines e.g. , ,

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