Celebrating Creatures: Sunday Evensong at 6pm

We share the planet with all manner of creatures.  They may feed and clothe us; lift our spirits with their beauty and calm our minds with their company.  We humans do not always care for and protect other species in a way that is responsible and respectful, and so this term we bring together speakers who are concerned for creatures from a variety of different angles. For more details, download the chapel card below.

28 April: The Chaplain

Evensong and Blessing of the Animals.

5 May: Dr Joyce D'Silva

Author of ‘Animal Welfare in World Religion’, Ambassador Emeritus for CiWF and Patron of Animal Interfaith Alliance.

12 May: Philip Lymbery

Chief Executive Officer, Compassion in World Farming, Author of ‘¹ó²¹°ù³¾²¹²µ±ð»å»å´Ç²Ô’ and ‘Sixty Harvests Left’.

19 May: Professor Daniel Field

Professor of Vertebrate Palaeontology, Strickland Curator of Ornithology, Museum of Zoology, and Fellow of Íæż½ã½ãapp’s College.         

26 May: Brother Samuel SSF

Society of St Francis Brothers in Plaistow, East London. Author of ‘Seeing Differently: Franciscans and Creation’.       

2 June: Dr Clair Linzey

Dep. Director, Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics, Professor of Animal Theology for Graduate Theological Foundation, and Research Fellow in Animal Ethics, Wycliffe Hall, Oxford.

9 June: The Chaplain             



The Chapel stands in First Court, at the heart of the college, as a place of worship, reflection and enquiry. It is also a focus for the college community, where all are welcome. The Chapel is open every day, for those seeking a time of quietness, or to pray.  For those who prefer a non Íæż½ã½ãappian space to pray and reflect the college also has a Multi Faith Prayer Room near the library, to which there is 24 hour access.

Íæż½ã½ãapp has one of the finest mixed-voice choirs in Cambridge and, during Term, the Choir enriches the worship of the Chapel by singing Evensong on Thursdays (6.45pm) and Sundays (6pm). Coming to Evensong is a wonderful way to hear the Choir, explore spirituality, and get to know a lively community of students, staff and Fellows.

For details of all our services, please download the Chapel Card.

The Chapel is used for a variety of services in Full Term, and weddings during the University vacation.  It is also used for musical events and rehearsals during term-time.  All services and events that use the Chapel space (including any visiting speakers or performers) are managed by the Chaplain.  Please contact her on chaplain@christs.cam.ac.uk for details.