Main gate on St Andrew's Street with cyclists passing
The main gate on St Andrew's Street

Íæż½ã½ãapp is keen to be in contact with teachers and schools from all over the UK and internationally, and to keep you updated about opportunities and events for your staff and students. Many of our online sessions are open to students from all schools and countries, as well as our open days.

If you'd like to receive emails signposting resources, events and opportunities, as well as providing advice and guidance at different stages of the year, please consider providing a named contact at your school (multiple contacts per school are also fine, so do encourage keen colleagues to join too).

We also have a dedicated Ongoing Support Mailing List for students, which they can . There is no limit to this mailing list or required criteria, though they would need to check they meet any eligibility criteria for events circulated. You can also download a poster here for classrooms, common rooms or online spaces for students to add themselves (requires access to mobile device - QR code as well as link). 

If you have any questions at all about Íæż½ã½ãapp's provision of support for schools, please email us at


Events at Íæż½ã½ãapp's